How does it work?

News items about car theft are often published in the media in which criminals make use of new techniques. One of the techniques that is often used is a so-called "Relay Attack".

The targets of this form of theft are vehicles with a Keyless Entry and Keyless Go system. Such systems use a smart key and its signal is captured and extended. Normally, the distance between the key and the vehicle should be a maximum of about 1 meter in order to be able to open and start it with the Keyless system. By copying and extending the signal, criminals can do this at a distance of several hundred meters.

What is Relay Attack?

Relay attack is a form of keyless car theft. Criminals bypass the keyless entry security by extending the signal of the car key from inside the home. Relay Attack can be executed silently and very quickly and is therefore very popular among criminals.

The solution

Sleeping Battery has a built-in motion sensor.

If the key does not move for 3 minutes, the motion sensor will cause the battery to go into sleep mode. As a result, no signal is sent out by the key and a Relay Attack is no longer possible.

You will not notice anything in the daily use of your car key.

How to install

Installing Sleeping Battery is very easy.

You just need to replace the normal 2032 or 2450 battery in your car key for Sleeping Battery and your car is protected against Relay Attack.

The technique

Sleeping Battery has an integrated microchip and motion sensor. The battery therefore looks exactly the same as the normal battery. As a result, no adjustments to the key or the vehicle are required. You will not notice anything in daily use.